Crew Update

I’m currently working on development of crew profiles as well as attempting to verify the living status and unknown status of many. While the site stats show 76 living, the vast majority of those shown as living have not been in contact for 10 years or longer. At the current time I can only verify nine are still living at this time based on personal contact within the past three years. Seven of the nine I have personally visited with within the past two months and of the remaining two one in the past 14 months and the other three years ago.

Wayne Banrhart
Warren Bunck
Eugene “Gene” Clift
Charles “Chuck” DeMann
Irving “Bill” Gale
Russel Norris Grunhuvd
Ignatius “Iggy” Guillaumin
Edward Seiford
Frank Whall

If you are aware of others who are still verified as living and can provide me with contact information or obituary information please contact me so I can update our site to provide as accurate information as possible.

